La Bien Aimée
10 year Anniversary
Pop-Up Shop:
May 13 to 24, 2025
27 Passage Choiseul
75002 ParisThe La Bien Aimée Pop-Up shop is coming
back to celebrate our 10 year anniversary!
We will be open from May 13 to 24, 2025 at
27 Passage Choiseul, in the heart of Paris.
Open Tuesday to Saturday
from 11am to 7pm.
Open exceptionally on
Monday, May 19 from 11am to 7pm.
Closed on SundaysEVENTS AT THE POP-UP
Friday, May 16:
Meet Marianne Munier
We are so excited to welcome the incredibly talented
Marianne Munier to the La Bien Aimée Pop-up!
Marianne is known for her elegant and modern knitwear
designs, and she’ll be spending the morning with us for a
special trunk show featuring her beautiful samples.Friday, May 16 from 5 to 6.30pm:
Table Ronde with
Nadia Crétin-Léchenne
Join us for an intimate round table discussion as we
celebrate 10 years of collaboration between knitwear
designer Nadia Crétin-Léchenne and La Bien Aimée
founder Aimée Gille. Over the past decade, Nadia has
created stunning designs using La Bien Aimée yarns,
including her much-loved birthday shawls.
Book a ticket hereSaturday, May 17
Mosaic Embroidery Class
with Tomomi Mimura
We are beyond thrilled to welcome Tomomi Mimura, the
talented Japanese embroidery artist, to the La Bien Aimée
Pop-up for a very special workshop!
During this exclusive class, you’ll learn Tomomi’s unique
Mosaic Embroidery technique, adding charming
embroidered details to a knitted swatch or accessory.
Book a ticket hereSaturday, May 17
Meet Jonna Helin
Jonna Helin, CEO and co-founder of Laine Magazine, will
also be here on the Saturday, hanging out at the shop with
us, helping you with yarn advice for her amazing designs.
This is an amazing chance to meet one of the most
inspiring author / designer / publisher in the industry.23-24 May 2025
Inspiration Station: Discover the Art of
Weaving & Woven Knitting
For two days, we are transforming the Inspiration Station
into a space fully dedicated to the art of weaving with
yarn! This immersive experience will feature a live weaving
demonstration by master weaver Mathieu Le Traon and a
special showcase by knitting legend Nancy Marchant, who
will introduce her groundbreaking technique of woven
knitting.Nancy Marchant –
This brilliant knitwear designer has spent years
developing new knitting techniques that mimic
the intricate beauty of weaving.
Nancy Marchant will present her incredible
samples and explain the process behind her
innovative approach to woven knitting.
Get ready to be amazed!Mathieu Le Traon –
A dedicated textile artist, Mathieu believes that
textiles hold deep emotions and that the act of
weaving infuses fabric with a unique energy.
He will be demonstrating his craft live, creating
beautiful tweed patterns using La Bien Aimée
yarns, inspired by Paris.
His work is designed for all levels of weavers,
from complete beginners to experienced
artisans.Book a ticket here
Inspiration Station:
Discover the Art of Weaving & Woven Knitting
23-24 May 2025
Inspiration Station –
77 Passage Choiseul, 75002 Paris
Free - Booking requiredThe pop-up space is located in one of Paris’ most beautiful
and historic covered passages: Passage Choiseul. At the
heart of Paris' Japanese district, the passage and streets
surrounding it are full of charming cafés and delicious
restaurants. Needless to say, there are countless amazing
food options to choose from.
It is also within walking distance of many of Paris’ most
famous landmarks: the Opéra Garnier, the Palais Royal,
the Louvre museum, place Vendôme and rue Saint-
Honoré… The closest métro station is Pyramides on lines 7
and 14.Were you waiting for the perfect excuse to plan
a trip to Paris? This is it! We promise you will
have a unique experience. Enjoy a café at a
terrasse, go for a walk in the Jardin des Tuileries,
and come by the shop to try on some samples
and get lots of knitting inspiration!
La Bien Aimée Pop-Up: 27 Passage Choiseul, 75002 Paris